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Module 4 Discussion 1_United States History

Module 4 Discussion 1_United States History

Q Select one primary source out of Will Women Lose Their Jobs? Frank Hill on the Indian New Deal, "A Negro Within a Nation" and answer the following questions: 1) According to the author, how does the New Deal impact this community? Use direct quotes + explanation to answer this question. 2) Does this author present alternative solutions, or do they embrace the New Deal? Use direct quotes + explanation to answer this question.

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The primary source that I have chosen is Norman Cousins “Will Women Lose Their Jobs?” (1939). In this source author points out that women as a community is looked down upon as the New Deal suggests that to fight unemployment employed women should be replaced by men especially married women should be replaces as men is the bread earner and women can stay back at home. “The ouster should begin with the working married woman because she should be dependent upon the man” (Cousins, 179). Thus, women would have the negative impact of this policy of the New Deal.